By the grace of God, we had a trip for the gospel campaign and Cerebration of Liberation empowerment, in this trip we visited two villages both are in remote areas and the program we had were; showing Jesus Film, doing personal evangelism, counselling and praying. When I did a counselling, I use the Cerebration of Liberation materials. My team had more two brothers; Tumain Jumanne, Shane Koch the missionary and I, both liked the strategy and material used. The trip took us three hours on the way driving to Bunda District where we were received by pastor Aron of our first mission point, pastor Aron is the pastor to the PEFA church.
On 3rd Feb 2022 at 18:30pm we started our day one session in Migungani village; where we showed the film that teaches people to trust God and remaining faithful to their family and friends. It is a Tanzanian film.
On 4th Feb 2022 was our day 2, the result of day 1 coursed us to remain in the church for the counselling and deliverance for the new converts whereby we ministered to two girls, Neema and Liwaza. The counseling done inside the church while outside the church person evangelism continued by missionary Shane Koch and the servant of God Tumain Jumanne. We thank God for that HE used missionary Shane Koch and Tumain Jumanne to bring seven people to the Kingdom of God by receiving Jesus Christ in their heart as their Lord and personal savior.
Neema was the first man to come in the counselling room, which took about five hours. I started by asking her some very friendly questions and sharing friendly stories, laughing together to build a relationship which brought Neema to a place where she exposed herself on all that which she went through in her life.
Neema born on 23rd May 1998, she is a third born of Mr. Michael. On 2004 Neema completed her Primary School and on 2015 enrolled on the secondary school (Ordinary level) for four years, but she didn’t complete that because of the financial issues. In 2016, she sopped continuing with the school and started helping her family on farming. While helping family and since they had no Jesus in their lives, she was bribed by a fellow young man to engage with a bad relationship.
This young man was schooling at a University of Dar Es Salaam, so both were dependents to their families financially. The relationship engaged coursed her to be pregnant, the unexpected pregnant brought a baby girl who named Magdalena. The young man who impregnated her refused to take care of her borned girl, this coursed Neema’s life to be tough and started living in hardship from inside and outside, this made her conviction to leave home and go find new life outside her home place.
It was not easy for her to speak of her life, cried a lot and the face showed me that she was in trauma passing in a very hard time. I was so much touched by her life story already and felt sorry for her, I searched in my heart and ask myself on which way can I help and support her? I continued asking her friendly questions, she wipe away the teas dropping on her face and with a sorrow discouraged voice telling me, “Pastor I have lived a very bad life.”
How! Asked her, “take me as a close friend and tell me everything, for I am here for you to help.” Then she opened her heart and told me that since she left the school, has slept with more than 10 different men in her life. They have been taking advantage of her poverty life to sleep with her that they will improve her life and take care of her.
On 13th September 2021; she was convinced to take HIV test and founded with HIV positive. Sad face, frustrated with many questions, was Neema. Since then, has been asking herself on how will be future and her child’s future? We thank God that for HIS grace she was there for watching Jesus Film with us and on that night came forward for the sinner’s prayer.
Missionary Shane Koch and I encouraged Neema and gave her hope that she is not alone, and she is a real great woman who has a good and successful future. Together we prayed with her, gave her a small amount of money as capital for the clothes business, and we will keep in contact with her.
Like Neema! There are many girls and boys who engaged and engaging in bad sexual relationship, mess-up before their time and found themselves ending up frustrated.
That was the story from our first mission point where we took three days on that mission. As the result of the first mission point, we had 260 people reached and 62 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. 11 of among them were found because of the personal evangelism done by Missionary Shane Koch and Tumain Jumanne. 4 people had demonic possession, both were delivered from that oppression.
The film we showed was:
On 6th February 2022 we drove heading to Kabasa mining village, where we did the personal evangelism house to house and at the evening, we showed the Film as we did in the first mission point. At Kabasa we were received by our host pastor Flora Shelembi who is leading the branch of the church of God in Tanzania. By the grace of God, we thank that on 7th February 2022 we were able to visit to a witch doctor who is a woman ruling the entire Kabasa mining village and the nearby villages, this was in our second day. After being introduced by our host pastor; missionary Shane and I started sharing the gospel using an evangecube to the witch doctor and her daughter. Both they gave their lives to Jesus Christ and at the evening I saw her daughter came to watch the Walk with Jesus Film.
As a result of this trip to Kabasa mining village! 318 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ. 21 people were contacted by the personal evangelism, by house to house, people in groups and anyone found in street. The servant of God Tumain and missionary Shane went to a local mining and shared the good news to the people. We thank God for HIS glory that, without HIM nothing could happen. We thank God for the Bold Faith Journey Family their prayers which encouraged us to live their without any worries.
© 2025 Heavenly Kingdoms Collectors